Factory Garden 🏭🌳

Nonsensical Writing Just for the Sake of It

One thing that is always present in writing is the motivation behind it. Even writing without any motivation is a motivation in and of itself. So, it begs the question: when it comes to blog posts, could it all just be nonsensical? Nonsensical refers to something that we can't make any sense of. We are not aware of or have the slightest clue about what the author is writing, but we know that it doesn't make any sense.

I am not saying that this style of writing exists only today; it definitely did back then. However, with the rise of the internet and the immense exposure to personal blogs, we've collectively adopted a more friendly style of it called "word vomit." Although it is not entirely nonsensical, the idea behind it is to write an abundance of unfiltered thoughts with little to no organization. I believe words that become word vomit come from the back of our minds; the unconscious. It is incidentally used to clear out the mind when it is under the weather or something to that effect. These thoughts are abstract, and they are waiting to be constructed into something coherent and digestible to some degree. Some thoughts just linger there for too long without any kind of logical or sensible reasoning to bring them out just yet, and it can be a burden.

Being nonsensical is being rid of any justification to speak. It is the purest essence of freedom of speech.

#word-vomit #writing