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On Love Relationship

This is not a guide, it's just an opinion.

My girlfriend and I have been together for three years, and we've been through a lot. Those years are as cliché as what you've heard about love—filled with tears and laughter. It's easy to describe love in a concrete way, but it's much harder to describe the experience of love concretely. Love is full of experiences that make the whole idea of it feel abstract. Human beings are unique creatures, and when two of them come together to form an inseparable spiritual and physical bond, it becomes even more complex.

Another important aspect of a loving relationship is learning and forgiveness. Learning involves either anticipating something or acknowledging and correcting something we've done to our partner. Mistakes are common in relationships, and we often face situations that bruise our egos—the real battle lies in awareness. Step into your partner's shoes, go with the flow, and then look at yourself in the mirror. After that, ask yourself: Are you willing to learn? How far would you go to seek forgiveness? Or are you still clinging to a self-righteous delusion? Everything that happens in a relationship should be viewed from different perspectives; never rely solely on a "self-justifying" lens. You’re not rejecting anything—you’re simply trying to understand and reflect. Then again, look in the mirror. Because love should foster joy and happiness, not hate.

You need to understand your partner—their needs, their goals, and their love. Both of you know that you love each other, but the type of love you express might vary, and that's where finding common ground is crucial. I learned this through experience—a painful one for my partner—due to my ignorance and selfishness. Build self-awareness, open yourself up, and act accordingly. It's easy to say, but there will be times when emotions are so overwhelming that both of you will do things you didn't anticipate. Neither of you can afford to be hot-headed; you need to find ways to calm down. Remember how much you love your partner, and adjust your habits and mindset for them. Yes, sacrifices will be required along the way, and if you're not ready for that—then perhaps selfishness is your path (I hope I'm wrong).

With that said, love and human emotions are complex. It takes time and effort to build a deep affection for someone. Sometimes, the connection happens instantly, while other times, you need to adjust to the differences in how you were both raised and how you each express love.

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