Factory Garden 🏭🌳

What I write when sitting on a chair in a boring lecture.

Yes, information and knowledge are important. But I can't give less of a fuck when I'm sleepy. The pain at the back of my head and the imminent, intangible speech that I'm going to hear for the next 3 hours.

On my left is my girlfriend and on my right is Aprizal — a friend of mine. We're sitting at the very far end of the row; at the very back.

We're just done with the quiz, it was very slow, because of the unnecessary animations for each question. We didn't make it to the leaderboard, but it's alright, it was all formality.

It's very crowded, there are about 90 people, all of them are students from the English Language Study Program. Thankfully, it's not that loud and annoying.

Pause; I need to go to the toilet.

I'm thinking about what I should write next, even though I'm currently writing. Maybe it's because I'm so excited about writing. There are so many to write about. Imagine writing chronologically from the English dictionary; from A - Z, who knows!? Maybe someone had already done it.
